Saturday, December 11, 2010

Team Bio: Glen & Shay McGill

Last year, weeks after the earthquake in Haiti, a team from New Life Church put everything in their lives on hold to go and help the hurting and dying in Haiti.  When they returned, the group shared about the trip and showed a video of the devastation in Haiti. At that point, we knew God was calling us to go to Haiti. 

God had already been working on us both about going on an outreach trip again, and it was at this point that we knew the destination.  Of course we had heard through the news reports about the horrors of what was going on in Haiti, the chaos that followed the earthquake.  Prior to the earthquake, we had been praying for a family in our church that was in the process of adopting a little Haitian girl.  Although, we can truly say we were never really impacted until we heard the report of others that had already made the trip.  Our hearts broke for the children and the people in Haiti.  The living conditions, the tent cities, the fact that people who broke their leg or arm during the earthquake had to have it amputated, just because (in many cases) they couldn't get the medical attention they needed.

So when Shay and I heard about this outreach trip coming up, we were on board from the beginning.  At the time we didn't know what it would entail, but we knew that God wanted me (or both) of us there and we are going to obey.  Then we also learned that we would actually be building a house for 2 families to get them out of the tent city.  Our hearts lept for joy!  What an awesome opportunity.  So Shay and I are going to Haiti, to share the love of Christ and serve the Haitian nation, because we serve an awesome and loving God.

Thank you for your prayers. 

Glen & Shay

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