Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 4 - Work / Prison day

Today we went to Timonette to work on the house some more and Kevin (the construction mgr) worked it out so we could leave right after lunch so we could get to the prison today. This morning we mostly just moved rocks for the masons to use on the foundation. It was really awesome to see them take these boulders and hammer them down to fit together and make the outside of the foundation. As I was watching them today and when they were skimcoating I couldn't help wander what they would be paid per hour in the states. The government pays them about $7-10 a day when they employ them. Their work structure on the site is much like the states - they have a construction manager and a foreman with journeymen and apprentices working under them. YWAM negotiates the price for the home with the manager and he pays his workers. The system really seems to work and its really funny to see the foreman yell at the guys when they aren't doing something right.

When we got back to the base around 1:45 we all cleaned up and went to the prison with Patrick to hand out the shoes and soap. Quite a few base staff went with us because they were so excited and wanted to see. When we got there there was a local media guy there that was filming the whole thing!!! Patrick and I both spoke and we sang a praise song with all the prisoners. And praise God it will be played on local television. I almost forgot one last thing... When we got there we didn't have a speaker to talk with because they are using it for the crusade tonight. (note to self, raise some money to buy Patrick his own speaker for just the prison ministry) Now understand, we are in a tiny prison in St Marc Haiti and we look to the right and there just happens to be a guy with a megaphone talking to sone prisoners! So he allowed us to use it. Just another example of Gods hand on this trip.

One last thing and I am going to get ready for the crusade. This morning we had a prayer time for Haiti and that God will comfort and heal the hearts of those who lost family in the earthquake. This is probably a very hard time for many of them and we prayed that They would turn to God and feel the love that he has to provide.

The crusade music is getting ready to begin at 5:30 and will last for about 2 hours and then the preaching will begin. I pray that God brings many Haitians each night of the crusade and that they are touched by the hand of God.

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