Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Team Bio: Israel & Alison Snider

Before joining New Life Church, Alison and I had known that God was leading us to the mission field.  We looked at various mission outreaches over the course of the last few years from working on an airstrip in Papua New Guinea to the clean water projects going on throughout Central America.  We prayed about it and never felt lead to those mission fields.  When the trip to Haiti was brought up, we prayed about it and Alison knew right away that it is what God had for us.  It took me a little longer to get there.  I really felt led that God would give an opportunity to use specific skill sets and when that came about I would know that it was what God wanted and not just what I wanted. When the chance came to build housing for Haitian families in which they worked side by side with us to take a vested interest in there home, that opportunity spoke volumes to me and confirmed what Alison had been led to in prayer. 
This mission trip will take all of us from New Life, our friends, our friends of friends and all of those who donate and lift us up in prayer to Haiti.  We know not everyone can physically go and not everyone can financially give but everyone can lift this team, our families and this trip up to the Lord in fervent prayer.

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