Sunday, January 9, 2011

We are here, Safe and God is Awesome!

Hey Everyone,
Matt here.  Just wanted to get an update to all our prayer warriors back home. The flight yesterday went awesome and we had no glitches whatsoever the whole day.  It was pretty amazing to go from 1 Inch of snow to 85-90 degree weather.  The drive to St Marc from Port au Prince was another eye opener for alot of the team.  There is still much devastation not cleaned up and the poverty that is here breaks my heart.

We had orientation last night when we got in and found out that not only are we the only people on base besides the staff,but we are the first team this year!  It is really quiet on base compared to the last time I was here when they had over 140 volunteers.  They gave us a schedule of what we will be doing this week.  Today we got to visit the St Marc Prison and participate intheir prison ministry. We sang some songs and a few of the team shared some words.  Glen also got about 2-300 tracts from John Pipers church that we were able to hand out to the prisoners.  I won't go into huge details about the prison but I will tell you it was an amazing experience.  I'll let everyone else tell their own stories when we get back.

We also met with Terry Snow, the base founder/leader this morning and he gave us his (Gods) planfor St Marc and updated us with the current status. They gave us a tour of the city and also took us up to the village where we will be building the home for the next five days.  We got to play with some children and meet the some of the families that will be getting the homes.  We are getting ready  for church service tonight and as I type they are singing worship songs.

Everyone is doing wonderful and we feel your prayers.  The weather is great at night and most of us slept pretty welllast night.  I actually got a little chill - huuuuge difference from last May when it was 90 degrees at night.  Keep praying that we will continue to get opportunities like we had today at the prison to love and minister to these people. 

Everyone sends their love!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you guys! Praying for amazing, authentic, supernatural experience.

    How cool to be the only team there right now! And how cool that we can check in here and see what is going on.

    Love you guys!

