Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 5 - 5th Section Tour, paint house, install doors and shutters

Last nights crusade was pretty amazing. There were 3500-4000 Haitians singing, dancing, and praising God. I have a couple of short videos of it that I will share when we get home. They really get into it and you can tell many of them genuinely love the Lord.

This morning Kevin took the group out into the 5th section of St Marc. It is out the "road" from Timonette. I use the word road lightly as it was an hour of bouncy dirt road that beat all of us up a little. The 5th section is in the Artibonite region where the cholera epidemic started and was at its worst. It is a beautiful region of the country but very cut off from everything. It is where YWAM has focused much of their attention since it is the poorest region. Terry is such a presence there that at every little village children would run next to the truck yelling "Terry, Terry" Ywam was the first group to get to these people during the floods of 2006 when they were cut off for almost a month. Kevin said many people starved to death and the ones that lived were in pretty bad shape. They were also the first to respond after Cholera broke out there. The people know that Terry will help so they called him befoe any other organization. They delivered water filtration units and taught the people better sanitation to try to stop the disease from spreading but in a country where people bath, drink, and sometimes urinate in the same water supply the disease took a serious toll. It is amazing to see homes of hope so far back in the back roads and they really are making a difference here.

After our tour we went back to the home and hung shutters, painted the first coat and hung the doors. It wasn't as taxing as previous days but the long tour took away some of our energy so it worked out well. It really starts to look like a home when the paint starts going on. We continue to meet and get to know some amazing families and kids and our whole team has taken a particular liking to one named Gemson. He lost both parents in the earthquake and is now living with his grandma in the tents. She is the one going to live in one side of our house with all of the children. I didn't realize some of them were her grand kids. Gemson came to the Crusade last night and cried because he missed his mom and dad. He started crying again today at the jobsite. It pains me to see a child that is 10-12 years old hurting like he is. I am sure you will hear more about this amazing boy when we get back.

We are heading out to get ice cream! After all the constant heat we are ready for a treat. We all love and miss you. This week has flown by for us and we can't believe tomorrow is our last day.

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