Friday, January 14, 2011

Last Day - House finish and dedication

I can't believe we come home tomorrow. I said this on my last trip and I feel it again. Something just feels right when I am here. I know it is because I am doing what I was created to do - spread the Gods message. But the feeling is pretty awesome.

This morning we got to go to the police station in St Marc and pray over the officers and the people that were in the holding cell. As we were praying in a circle an officer walked over and joined us! Can you imagine that happening in the US? What an amazing testimony. We prayed for discernment, wisdom, and integrity that they would do their jobs and hear Gods voice.

After that we headed out to finish painting and to dedicate the house to God. The painting went very well. This has been the greatest team to lead. Whenever a job needs done everyone is willing to step up - I was overwhelmed today at one moment as I walked around and everyone was working hard doing whatever was needed to finish the job. After we finished Terry let both families give mini testimonies of their lives since the earthquake. It was a good reminder that 1 year ago these families lost everything they had. And while it wasn't much, it forced them into a tent for a year. We got to pray over them and hand them their keys. It was a very powerful moment and none of us wanted to leave. We really developed some relationships with these families and all of us want to come back.

Terry did our de-briefing tonight and it was really good. They gave us a questionaire for suggestions and he talked about the things that this base needs. When Terry talks I really get a feel for his love for this country and also the frustrations he faces trying to reverse some historic trends. The dilemma is how do you help a people that desperately needs help without turning them into a welfare society? It is a question that has been pondered for generations and this base lives it every day.

Going to have our final team meeting before bedtime and early departure tomorrow. We all can't wait to see our family and friends. Pray for safe travels!

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